PCDF was established in the year 1962 with the aim to develop cooperative based organized dairying in the state. PCDF is an organization that has helped to free the milk producers from the exploitation of middle man for years in the milk business and a direct contact was established between the milk producers and the consumers. This state-level apex cooperative institution derives its power from the participation of the milk producers and provides them with professional skills and dynamic professionalism in the traditional form.
Over the years, PCDF has diversified itself into new areas over new dimensions onto new challenges. Today PCDF has an important place in the National Milk Grid in providing milk to Mother Dairy for milk sale in Delhi.
The contribution of PCDF cannot be quantified in mere statistics. The success of PCDF should be judged in this context that the milk producers associated with it are heading surely and steadily towards a prosperous future and over the years the confidence of milk consumers has remained affirmed in Parag.